25 Real Life Places Inspiration of Disney Movies Creators

“Admiring the natural beauty is always cherishing”. We see different landscapes in each Disney movie. These animations are found stunning but it is true that these landscapes are actually inspired by the places in real life. There are more than 25 real life buildings and landscapes that can be seen in some Disney movies such as Swiss Alps, Scottish Highlands, Desert of Texas and many more. 25 of them are discussed here, Have a look over them:

1. Hotel de Glace in Canada

Have you ever heard of this place? It is an ice hotel located near Quebec and this is an inspiration behind Elsa’s Palace from Frozen. This hotel of ice constructs each year and it last only for three months. Life span of this hotel is just three months.


2. Chateau de Chillon in Switzerland

This place is the inspiration behind “Prince Eric’s castle” from “The Little Mermaid”. This place is not recognized by everyone as it is on the shores of Lake Geneva. This is considered as its own island and this is the reason that it not known by everyone.



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