Do you know that excess of artificial light exposure is responsible for overweight of your kid?

Scientists and researchers always give facts and discoveries that surprise us. In the latest research it is discovered that kids who spend lot of time on mobiles, laptops, televisions and gadgets tend to gain lot of weight in short span of time. Scientists have proved that reasons behind overweight are not just bad eating habits and less physical activities. Excess of artificial light exposure is also highly responsible for overweight of kids. It is quite important for parents to control such activities of their kid.

What was discovered in the study?

In the study, it is revealed that time spent with gadgets and intensity of light of gadget are the two major factors that are highly responsible for the metabolism and the status of weight of a kid.
A researcher, Cassandra Pattinson from Brisbane city of Australia researched that different types of artificial lights including TV lights, mobile lights, night lights and other light are responsible for the problem of overweight in kids. She stated that kids of today’s generation are more connected with artificial lights in comparison with the children of previous generations.



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