Water being Universal Solvent can mix with anything but then why you can see the different color of these 2 oceans?? Amazing facts!

Gulf of Alaska has been there in the viral news over the internet for the last few years for the picture of meeting of two different colored oceans that meet but do not mix with each other. When the sediment-laden, heavy water coming from the glacial rivers and valleys pours in to the open ocean, then this natural and strange phenomenon takes place. Then Gulf is the place where a darker slate –blue colored water and light, electric blue water run into each other. This place is informally dubbed as “the place where two oceans meet”. This catchy title is one among the several misconceptions that are there regarding this place. Several people over the trending news sites have commented regarding the nature of the ocean water that they are completely incapable to mix with each other and are striking each other just like the that happens at the boundary on the map.

two colors-Netmarkers



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