What??? A lot about one’s personality is revealed by his ears… Amazing!!!

We all know the facts that lot of emotions are revealed by the face of a person. It is also said that the character of a person is mirrored in his face. One can make use of this fact in his personal life as well as in his workplace or business. But many of us are unknown of the fact that a lot about our personality is revealed by our body parts. Different personality traits are revealed by the different body parts of the person like hands, noise, thumb, fingers, feet, toes etc. the character of a person, his behavior at certain situations etc, all these facts are revealed by the different body parts of the person. We are here with some of the personality traits of a person that are revealed by his ears.

Big ears
Big ears are something that is visible very clearly on the face of a person. The people who are having big ears also feel uncomfortable sometime as it also look weird on the face cut of some of them. But instead of feeling shy and uncomfortable, those who are having big ears must feel thankful as it represents something really good regarding their personality. Big ears are known to be the sign of strength and liveliness. Such people use to be independent in their nature and are full of energy and life. So if you are also having big ears than congrats!!!

Big ears-Netmarkers


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