10 unbelievable and weirdest but amazing world records!!!

Keeping a table lifted with teeth for longest distance
Georges Christen from Luxembourg has made a record on February 9, 2008 in which while carrying a table of 26 pound and a women of 110 pound over it, he ran a distance of 38 feet and 8 inches in Madrid, Spain. Can’t whether this person has teeth or some sort of strong choppers?

Longest distance-Netmarkers

Consumed most big Macs in life span
The Big Mac of McDonalds is viral among the food lovers but with the same Mac,, record has been made by Donald A. Gorske who is a U.S. resident. After eating Big Macs on a daily basis for 40 years, on October 11, 2012, he has consumed his 26000th Big Mac of McDonalds.

Big macs-Netmarkers


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