Get a pimple free beautiful skin with these simple and amazing natural remedies

For most of the people, a major reason of distress is pimple. Especially those who have some kind of hormonal imbalances in their body, pimple are a major problem. The confidence of the person is shattered by such acne and pimple as they blemish one’s look and leave a scar behind them that further adds to the problem. No doubt that there are number of beauty treatments available out there in the market that are trending but still they are not in reach of everyone as they can cost a lot of money. Pimple is a common problem and therefore one requires some common remedies that can help them out from this situation and get a blemish free, clear and beautiful skin.

Baking soda
Acne could be reduced to a great extent with the help of baking soda. It is a very simple process in which you need to make a paste having 3 parts of baking soda and one part of water in it. Apply mixture on the face and then massage gently. Leave the mixture for about 5 minutes on the face and then wash it off. Baking soda helps a lot to remove oil form the skin.

baking soda-Netmarkers


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