Cops found something in the Martin’s phone that compelled them to say OMG! Was it related to death of Jennie? Part 28

Trending, viral news story, New York so far: Martin’s car is traced and there are traces of blood? Is this relates to Jennie’s death? Part-27

Jennie’s father too seems to be shocked hearing the news of Martin. However, he looked more curious to know about the incidence and that was something that was disturbing for Jennie’s mother. He reacted as if he was knowing that something wrong happened with Martin but was shocked to know his car was traced. His questions were absurd like, was the car too far away from here, do cops got something like wallet or phone in the car? and so on. These questions were troubling Jennie’s mother and finally she shouted, I don’t know much about it and rather would like to know more about our daughter. I don’t care what happened to him, I just wish to know who killed Jennie, my darling daughter.


Viral story of Jennie, New York- Netmarkers


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