Make your kids smarter with these simple and fun activities! Amazing facts!

Everyone has the dream to bring up their children in the best way they can so that the kid could become smarter and always remain ahead than others in the race of life. For this purpose, the first 10 years of the life of a child are very much precious as they are cited as the “window of opportunity” by the scientists. Most of the neural network in the brain is form in this age of kids and therefore the best that is required to be done to make them smarter could be done in these years. Here are some of the amazing and simple activities that are fun to do and help in the development of the brain of kids and make them smarter.

The breakfast must be good

kid enjoying a healthy breakfast-Netmarkers

An appropriate balance of nutrients like iron, Vitamin A, glucose, Vitamin B, folic acid and zinc are required for proper development of the brain of kids. Longer spans of attention and better memory are observed in the kids who eat breakfast. Instead of cereals like Cap’n Crunch, oatmeal and whole grain cereals are better option to start the day.


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