Chilling facts-Maldives may disappear! It is in danger because of climate changes and rising sea level!!!

The Republic of Maldives is the flattest country on Earth and this is the reason why it is vulnerable to the rising levels of sea. Also there are very high chances that by the end of this century, majority of the land area of this country will be underwater. The existing environmental stresses that are there in Maldives like storm surge and periodic flooding because of this and scarceness of fresh drinking water and water for other purposes are likely to get worse with the rise in sea level due to changing environmental factors.

Climate changes in Maldives-Netmarkers

Projections have been made on account of the mid level scenarios for the emissions of global warming and according to these projections, a rise in sea level of the order of 1.5 feet is expected to be there in Maldives that will result in about 77% of its land area to go underwater by the year 2100. These are the threatening results Maldives might have to face on account of the environmental factors that are going from bad to worse. In order to adapt the rising levels of sea, number of potential strategies has been identified by the Maldivian government but they are also considering a new homeland where they could relocate there people.


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