Top 5 countries with nuclear Intercontinental ballistic Missiles in the world!!!

For all the major wars, the ICBM or Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles play the role of game changer. A lot of respect and power is commanded by the countries having nuclear warheads and the degree of this respect and power is decided on the basis of the capability to deliver that payload. The missile that has the strike capability of more than 5,500 km is known with the name of ICBM and the word International is also given on account of this strike capability of the missile. To deploy and carry a nuclear warhead, these missiles are designed. ICBMs have been designed and deployed by only 5 countries till date namely United States, Israel, India, China and Russia. On the basis of the range of the missiles, here is the list of the top 5 nuclear ICBM in the world.

1. Minuteman III – United States

Minuteman III United States-Netmarkers

One of the most potent and powerful missile that any country has till date is Minuteman III. The readiness of this missile to be launched just within minutes after receiving a formal order is the reason behind the name Minuteman given to it. With this missile, there is the capability to strike almost every point on this Earth with USA as it has the range of 13000 km.


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