OMG, these beaches glow in night! Here are the amazing places where you can witness this.

Do you know the secret behind the glowing beaches? They are trending and  people share their viral pics from time to time. Here are the secrets behind this at Netmarkers. Bioluminescence is the phenomenon in which we are able to see glistening water and everything in the water glows at night. As per the explanation provided by those who are aware of the reason behind this, the mixture of fresh water and salt water results in brackish water and the nutrients from the red mangrove tree combine with this water this combination makes the perfect environment in the area that allows the bloom of bioluminescent dinoflagellates. This phenomenon is something like magic and natural wonder that makes the water and everything under it to glow at night.

Manasquan Beach, NJ

You can get the chance to see the amazing phenomenon of glistering water in New Jersey, United States at the Manasquan Beach. A rusty red hue if given off in the daylight by the water and these are so called the red tides. This amazing phenomenon can occur anywhere in the world where the water posses the same qualities.



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