Kevin’s story was different from what told by Alice! There’s something suspicious! Part-35

Trending and viral story of Jennie, New York so farKevin is caught and what he revealed is hard to believe! Part-34

Kevin started his story and now it was the time to cross check the things. He started talking about his school days where he was with Jennie. He started this way:- I liked Jennie right from the beginning and same was the case with her too. Jennie was such kind of girl with whom everyone would like to do friendship. She was sweet, innocent, beautiful, full of life. When I saw her, it was the love at first sight for me. On the day first only, I made up my mind that I am going to keep a good relationship with her that too for a long period of time. I started following her, keeping a watch on her activities and it was all meant to show how much I love her.

Kevin was telling about his relationship- Netmarkers


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