Have you ever tried these Ice creams that are the most expensive desserts ever made!!!

One common thing that is liked by all and remains in trending in every season is Ice cream. Yes… Ice cream is the dessert that is favorite of every age group and is viral among children. Also, it is available in number of flavors and is easily available in all parts of the world so is easily accessible as well. But here are the ice creams with unique flavors for which you have to cost affluence as they are the most expensive dessert ever made.

Absurdity Sundae ($60,000)

Three Twins Ice Cream Company makes this uniquely flavored dessert. To flavor this dessert, they make use of some of the rare ingredients. One more amazing fact about this dessert that costs $60,000 is that a part of the profit that is earned by this company goes to a nonprofit organization in Africa that is working on the conservation of environment.

Absurdity Sundae-Netmarkers


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