Police is now taking both Alice and Kevin on remand! Perhaps they will reveal the truth now! Part-39

Trending and viral news story in New York so far: Cops questioned Alice and she seems to be tensed now! Who is the culprit- Alice or Kevin? Part-38

Alice started sweating like anything and now its very clear there’s something suspicious. Same is the case with Kevin. Detective is now very sure that he is trying to dodge and that’s why now third degree is going to be applied on him.

Police is now taking both Kevin and Alice on remand as already 2 days have passed with no lead on where about of Martin. By that time, all the cards of Martin were blocked and all phones of his home and mother are on trace. However, so far neither any phone call nor any suspicious activity was seen and this was making the situation more complicated.

Kevin taken on remand- Viral news New York- Netmarkers


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