Richest female athlete of past decade, Maria Sharapova banned for 2 years for drug use.
For sports lover and Maria Sharapova fans, there’s a bad news trending. Yes, though most of the people are celebrating the National Best Friend Day today i.e. on 8 June 2016, surely the event is not good for Maria Sharapova, her friends and sports lover. This time you won’t find her hot pics getting viral on the National Best Friend Day rather there are tweets discussing the decision. The World No. 1 Superstar is now banned for 2 years after testing positive for the drug Meldonium. It is important to note this drug comes under the banned drugs in the United States. The news came after Maria got a 2 year suspension letter from ITF, International Tennis Federation. This may be seen as an end of glory of this superstar. Although, Sharapova immediately reacted on the news by mentioning she would go for challenging the decision, but as if now she is suspended. The 3 person panel as appointed by ITF to look into the matter found her guilty and submitted their report. They said, the tennis superstar may not have any intention to deceive, but she at the same time bears “sole responsibility” and has “very significant fault” for the test that is found positive.