Want to get rid of dark elbows? These amazing remedies can help!!!

Every women wants to have glowing and beautiful skin. But this is not possible in the daily hectic schedule. The skin tone gets darkened by the hot weather and sun rays that result in tanning. In this era of trending fashion, no girl can bear to have dark elbows. Here are some of the amazing tips that can help a lot in getting rid of dark elbows easily.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is easily available in every home and has multiple beneficiary uses as well. But it is also perfect for the dark skin. With a simple procedure, you can get rid of the dark elbows with coconut oil. After bath, take a decent amount of coconut oil and massage it over the area for about 2-3 minutes. Mix 1 tbsp of lemon juice and coconut oil and on the affected area, apply this mixture. This remedy can help a lot to remove dark skin when used daily.



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