Get rid of the underarm fat and back lump in just 3 weeks with these amazing exercises!!!

There are number of women who face difficulty with the shape of their body as they have nasty back lump and underarm excess fat. Dieting does not help at all to deal with this problem. But do not worry as the most effective and simple exercises are here for you that can deal with this problem and help you to get rid of that extra fat buildup. Just make use of the simple items that are easily available in home like handles, rubber bandings and tubing and say goodbye to the excess fat in just 3 weeks. This trending post has the list of the fat burning exercises.

Circular row bent

Bend forward at 90 degrees keeping your legs apart. Now the dumbbell is to be moved to the opposite hand. Move it to the chest by lifting it up and then in a circular movement, take it back. Complete 3 sets of this having 10 reps each.

Circular row bent-Netmarkers


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