These amazing hacks are so simple and amazing yet very useful!

In our body, there are number of pressure points on account of various nerve fibers that we have. These nerve endings have been studied by the ancient Indian and Chinese medicine and found their effects on various pains and aches of the body. The effect is so amazing that if pressure is applied at particular point properly then the pain will be vanished in no time. This viral post has the amazing hacks that will help you to get rid of certain body aches and pains in no time.

Airless nose

Airless or stuffy nose is the annoying condition that hampers that breathing process. Get rid of this by just pressing your tongue to the roof of mouth and pressing one finger on each of the eyebrow. The vomer bone will rock back and forth with this and will release anything that is stuck in the nasal cavity.

airless nose-Netmarkers


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