Rare known facts about Florida women, Colleen Burns who fell to her death!!!

The 35 year old women of Orlando, Florida named Colleen Burns who fell to her death at Grand Canyon to her death following the day when a photo at the edge of cliff at the park has been posted by her. The parents of the lady said that their daughter was fearless and knew how to live life to the fullest. This trending post has some of the rare known facts about the fearless lady who became the victim of an ill-fated accident.

Her body has been discovered 400 feet from the place where she was standing.

As per the officials of the Grand Canyon National Park, on Friday, the lady from Orlando, Florida named Colleen Burns was hiking near the South Kaibab trail of the iconic park with her friends where she slips off Ooh Aah point while making room for a fellow hiker on the path. Her body has been discovered by the park rangers 400 feet below from the point where she was standing.

Colleen Burns death at Grand Canyon--Netmarkers


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