Is Jennifer Aniston not pregnant? What is the truth and what people care for?

Actor, director, producer Jennifer Aniston whose personal life that is viral and out in the open often and has driven a countless sums of money to the business of celebrity business wants the contents speculating about her pregnancy to be stopped. This week, in an essay for the Huffington Post, she wrote: “For the record, I am not pregnant. What I am is fed up. I’m fed up with the sport-like scrutiny and body shaming that occurs daily under the guise of ‘journalism,’ the ‘First Amendment’ and ‘celebrity news.’ ”

Jennifer Aniston-Netmarkers

Aniston has a point: Celebrity magazines, Gossip websites and supermarket tabloids have long used Ms. Aniston, 47, as the complicated It girl’s reductive avatar in trending. Marrying Brad Pitt and starring in the megahit “Friends”, she was first casted as the Girl next door. Then, after her divorce conducted in the agitated “Team Aniston” era, she became the scorned Wife that extented several years and as per her statement given in 2008 in GQ, has created an “insane Bermuda Triangle”. And a new era for Ms Aniston has been signaled by the title “Lordy, Lordy, This Woman is 40” of that GQ article.


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