Scared of HIV test? Don’t be! Prince Harry will tell why, Live on Facebook!

Prince Harry is trending but the reason is really very special! Have a look what exactly it is! If you are scared of HIV test, then you should sit tight and watch Prince Harry taking the HIV test. Confused?? Don’t be! In order to make people aware of this test, 31 years old prince Harry took a blood test on Thursday and guess what, he live streamed the whole process with the help of Facebook page of the British Royal Family. As soon as it was over, he said, “It is amazing how quick it is,”. Further Prince Harry said, “So whether you’re a man, woman, gay, straight, black or white—even ginger—why wouldn’t you come an have a test?” Even the tweets from Kensington with a number of photos, say, “It’s a simple finger prick test and gives a nearly instant result!”

Prince Happy making people aware of HIV testing- Netmarkers


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