OMG! These 10 Most Expensive Cars are sure to blow off your mind!

Since the invention of the automobile, there has been huge fascination of the world towards most luxurious land travel. Everyone desires to own the most luxurious and expensive car, as the mark of status. Many manufactures produce only few models that too exclusively for richest of the world.  This article is going to describe 10 most luxurious and expensive cars of the world along with their price.

SSC Ultimate Aero $654,400

Since the six years of manufacturing, this car is the fastest car of the world on the road. Aero was made without standardized driving aids such as traction control and ABS. The main aim behind breaking the traditional rules was to allow users to “drive and brake with his right foot”. SSC is designed by Jerod Shelby, have been known as the world’s fastest production car in the year 2007 and 2010.

SSC Ultimate Aero- 10 most expensive cars in the world- Netmarkers


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