Here is how Ayurveda treats slip disc effectively!

Ayurveda is found to be effective in treating a number of ailments and disc bulges or slip disc is not an exception to this fact. It is because of the reason that unlike other medical treatments that are meant for curing a certain part of the body or disease, Ayurveda has a tendency of benefiting every part of the body. The techniques like Panchakarma are useful in benefiting the whole body of the person and not just a specific part. It is for this reason Ayurveda is considered to be a very effective treatment option for curing a number of ailments.

Ayurveda in treating Disc Bulges or slip disc or hertinations: It is important to note bulged disc, herniated disc, protruded intervertebral disc PIVD or slip disc are the various names for a single condition. Under this condition, the disc that is present in between the 2 vertebral bodies tends to peep out on either side. These discs are quite similar to bags that are filled with the liquid and work like a shock absorber.



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