OMG! So this is what China was hiding for years! You won’t believe this!

For many years, biggest secret was hidden back the scaffolding surroundings. This secret was the being prepared in the Jinzhou city in Hubei Province of China. The authorities were hiding the work, as if it was some kind of top secret work. This was until the head of the statue poked out from the scaffolding. The construction of this statue was being hidden from the world, so that it could be revealed at the correct moment, and shocks the world. China was successful in doing so!

China is famous for its impressive constructions, grand skyscrapers and capabilities to construct the most amazing architecture. The construction of this structure was started few years back. And the hidings were finally presented in front of the whole world. In the June 2016, the truth was unveiled, and was showcased with the entire splendor. This was the gigantic statue of the Chinese mythological hero “the Warlord and Warrior, Gyan Yu.”

Warlord-and-Warrior-Gyan-Yu- this is what China was hiding- Netmarkers


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