My kid was dying of cough, until I found this amazing remedy!

Your child is suffering from cough and you don’t know what to do? What if it starts at midnight and you don’t have any option than to see her suffering? Don’t worry here are home remedies for cough to give relief to your child. These remedies are equally good for other members of the family.

Home remedies for cough- Netmarkers

With the change in weather and season, one can easily catch cold with cough. This could also be the common health problem. Coughing is caused due to the blockage in the throat or the upper air passage. When there is irritation, brain sends the message to the body to cough, so that the irritant could be removed. Coughing can also be caused by flu, viral, smoking and other health issues. Some of the common symptoms of cough are congestion, chest pain and itchiness in throat. Some of the easy and effective home remedies for cough are:


Turmeric is a very magical herb. It has, any benefits and one of which is its therapeutic effect on cough. For using it, you can take a table spoon of turmeric, in half cup of water. Boil the ingredients for 3-4 minutes. To enhance the flavor you can also add a cinnamon stick. Add honey and drink it every day till the condition improves.



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