Here are the amazing Homemade Acne face masks

Acne is a cause of concern for everyone since getting rid of them is not so easy. But here are a few masks which might help in getting grid of acne and acne scars.

Honey is a natural ingredient which is beneficial for the skin and is used in every mask as honey preserves moisture, makes you skin soft, keeps it well hydrated and helps in skin renewal.  Due to its antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties it is highly useful for treating acne prone skin.

homemade masks-Netmarkers

Here are some easy to make homemade masks that will help you in getting rid of acne:

  1. Cinnamon and honey mask

 What you will need:

  • Honey
  • Cinnamon powder

This mask is easy enough to make and doesn’t require a lot of ingredients.  Cinnamon like honey has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Honey-and-Cinnamon mask-Netmarkers


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