What? Biofuels are even more dangerous than Gasoline for Climate!

It is believed that most of the gasoline sold in America contains some amount of ethanol. A study published in Climate Change related to this topic was highly controversial. This study rejected the traditional approach of the scientists that judges the climate according to the impact of bio energy. This approach was called as life-cycle analysis. Following the record of the hottest month worldwide, where the temperature had been increased by 2°F and the tides were half a foot higher that they have ever been since 1800’s, the implication that bio fuels are causing more harm to the climate are extensive.

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According to the current research study, American Bio fuels are doing more harm to the climate. For many years it was considered that American Bio fuels are supporting Climate in a positive manner, however this belief was challenged by the science journal on Thursday. A new approach was concluded by a team of scientists that states that climate would be better without bio fuels. The new study of the scientists from the University of Michigan Energy Institute examined that an American vehicle, which works with ethanol and corn would do more harm to the climate by producing more carbon in comparison to a vehicle using gasoline.

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