The reason behind End of a Comic Era-Tom & Jerry!

Whenever we sit back and remember our childhood days and especially the summer holidays, it brings a sweet smile on our face and we are flooded with thousand of memories. But one memory which is common in all the kids of 90’s is of the Channel Cartoon Network. The channel and shows showcased on it made the life of thousands of children beautiful. Different children had different preferences some liked Swat Cats, some liked Captain Planet , but the show which was common and liked by every kid in some cases including their parents and is even liked till date is “TOM & JERRY “.It can be regarded as an epic show enjoyed by all genres of people. The story of Cat and Mouse and there stunts made us laugh every time we watched it. It made us laugh for a very long time, but as it is said every good thing comes to end this is the end of the comic era i.e. one of the greatest show of its time. But, what is interesting to know is actually how the show ended; what was in the finale? The answer to this will be the episode named “Blue Cats “as it is considered as the finale episode by many of its fans.



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