Here is the reason why the Mixture of Lemon & Olive Oil is magical!

In today’s world staying fit and healthy is the need of the day. Being fit makes you smart, energetic, confident and feel good about yourself. Apart from it also saves you from huge and heavy medical bills .This simple and easy do it yourself home remedy can help you remain fit all the year long.

The recipe just need two simple ingredients lemon and olive oil. Lemon is rich in Vitamin C and also boosts the immune system. Olive oil is rich in omega 3 acids and is good for health. The magic recipe works by mixing 1 tablespoon of lemon juice along with 2 tablespoon of olive oil. It is a great remedy for people who suffer from constipation. If taken before bedtime it provides sufficient lubrication to the food to the food and solves the problem of constipation.



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