10 most dangerous islands of the world!

Most of the dangerous islands are home to dangerous objects, poisonous flora and fauna, venomous snakes and unpredictable natural structures such as active volcanoes. Here is the list of the 10 most threatening islands in the world that one should not enter at any cost. These include islands such as:

  1. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch – North Pacific Ocean

Considered to be as the most polluted and contaminated areas of the world, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is unfit for human habitation due to the large amounts of waste and debris that is collected. The island is famous for polluting sea life and aquatic habitat.


  1. Gruinard Island – Scotland

The island is located near Scotland and is considered as the top deadly islands of the planet. The main reason being that the island was once used by the British government for experimentation making the island contaminated with spores of Anthrax.



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