OMG! This disgusting thing could be the reason for headache!

Medical science is a field in which one can see miracles as well as weird things. This is one such interesting case which will shock you as well as warn you against eating uncooked or undercooked meat at unknown places. Below is the example where woman suffered from headaches for a year and what doctors found in her brain shocked everyone?

The woman and her headaches

31 year old Yadira Rostro from Texas was leading the normal life with her family. But from last 1 year she had been suffering from massive headaches. She also suffered from problem in seeing due to that her sight was impaired to such a level that she couldn’t see at all at one point.

Neurosurgeon Dr. Richard Meyrat did a scan of her head and brain. Scan revealed something horrifying and life threatening. The doctors were shocked to find out that a parasite named tapeworm was living in her brain.



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