Reindeer in Norway still suffering from Chernobyl radiation!

One of the world’s worst man-made disasters includes the devastating impact of Chernobyl. The dreadful impact of it still lingers in the memory and its effects can still be seen. This horrible incident occurred on the 26th of April 1986 when the 4th rector exploded, casting a death cloud over Russia and Europe and killing 4000 people from radiation. The area where this disaster occurred is still desolate and bereft of human population; it stands as a silent witness to the devastation that can be caused by man.

Alas, it wasn’t just man who suffered the killing effects of radiation, animals weren’t spared either. And to this day they suffer the harmful effects of radiation that were caused by this disaster. The reindeer found in Norway still suffer from the effects of the Chernobyl.



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