Best Valentine’s Day Gift for Every phase of a Relationship

For a brand new love interest

It is rightly said by Daine Gottsman “Select something meaningful that indicates you are looking towards a bright future, but you are not desperate”, one should take care of everything, before knowing that feeling  are mutual. It’s better to be cautious than sentimental- dinner for two at your apartment or playlist made especially for him or her. What about gifting “Pick your own” candy gift, that gives freedom to select candy according to one’s own taste or How about gifting A Full Leaf Tea Tasting Crate.


Dating one to three month

For a couple who has just entered into a relationship, than gifts like chocolates and fragrance are good options. How about having a romantic Candlelight dinner or if they love coffee than a beautiful mug with a golden heart imprinted on it can also act as an icing on the cake.



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