Top 10 Futuristic technologies that will change your life!

One of the facts regarding technology is that it never stands still. Technology is always adapting, changing and progressing. Things change quickly and the things that once look to be impossible soon become possible.

Here are the details regarding some of the amazing futuristic technologies that will be true in the near future and will have huge impact in our lives.

Jet Pack International H202

In the Jetpack technology H202-Z and H202 jetpacks, great strides are made by the Jet Pack International. The users are allowed by the Jetpacks to fly at the height of up to 250 feet at the speed of 77 miles per hour.

It is important to remember that the units are exceptionally compact and the feature of control and mobility outweigh the lacking distance and travel time.


Cave 2

A hybrid reality environment is Cave2 that allows scientists, artists and engineers to immerse in their research completely. It is 360° wind structure that consists of surrounding sound system of 20 speaker, 72 panels of LCD and tracking system if 10-camera optical motion.



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