10 Surprising household inventions developed by NASA that you never knew

In 1958, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (the NASA) was established with the  primary objective to study space exploration and travel while observing the Earth. However, NASA  got engaged in the process of condoning and then started the process of promoting scientific inventions. Soon it took to the shades of multi-niche scientific organisations leading to several inventions routed through NASA. This space agency has now over 6300 patents to its credit. Among these, there are ten household inventions which are quite surprising ones and are invented by NASA. Some of these are:

1. Enriched Baby Formula

Do you know that NASA scientists discovered the natural source of Omega 3 fatty acids which are the main ingredient of breast milk. NASA started the process of experimentation with micro algae with a view to support life on extended space flight. Presently,  90% of baby formula has these microalgae as its main content which is actually a NASA invention.



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