10 tricks and Tips about clothes that can save your life

We all have been using our clothes for a limited period of time! After some time, they lose their sheen, hence they have to be thrown away! However, there are a few tricks and tips which can help in increasing the duration of using the clothes and shoes. Also, these tricks can help in giving more sheen to these things!

So here goes 10 tips; check them out!!

Removing Red wine stains from cotton?

It’s difficult to remove a stain from cotton cloth and if it is bright colour, it becomes more difficult to remove the stain. and if it is the stain of red wine, then the problem may intensify as it if really difficult to remove this stain.

However, this  a trick to remove this stain too! You just need to put some club soda on it and then rub it with a paper tower which has been soaked with soda. The stonewall vanish in few minutes.



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