Top 6 Haunting Hotels we bet you not be knowing !!!

Good News to all the daring people who wish to have truly Haunted Halloween. What about staying up in the most haunted hotels in the world? We are sharing with you the most haunted hotels in the world where you can stay and feel the thrills of living there among the haunted Halloween.

Colorado’s  Stanely Hotel, Estes Park: This hotel is situated in small town Estes Park, at the eastern edge of Rocky Mountain National Park. It has been a more than a century of the opening of this Hotel, here; many ghostly events have been part of this hotel. Sounds of Children running and laughing down the hall are mostly reported by the visitors on the fourth floor.

1. Stanley Hotel-netmarkers

Hotel Roosevelt, California: Marilyn Monroe, a Hollywood celebrity spirit is found to haunt this hotel even today. Hotel Staff and Guest have reported seeing a woman in the mirror as well as at the hotel’s poolside Tropicana. Here, Mysterious phone calls to the hotel operator are also common. Montgomery Clift ghost is also reported being heard playing trombone from room 928.

2. roosenolet-netmarkers


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