Selfie fever made this girl’s life hell

Internet and Social Media has affected every individual’s life. Selfies and Social media are very much linked together. High speed internet on cell phones and the high camera quality has flooded the internet with the  ‘selfies’.  It has become an international mania not only for the common man but also for the celebrities. Even the top sites have started banking by holding selfies contest just to attract traffic on their sites. Too much of something is always harmful in regards of health and etc. and so is the case with the selfies. Due to selfies people have started developing a serious health condition known as ‘Selfits’ and “Selfie Elbow”.

selfie affecting health netmarkers



Obsession of selfies

How would you define a selfie?? A selfie is defined as a self-portrait photograph that is taken with the digital camera or camera of the smartphone. No one take selfie just to keep inside their gallery but mostly to share these images on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and among other social media apps just to have some likes and comments. Many apps have been built for editing the images before making it viral on social media. People, who are selfie-phillic spends most of their time in clicking their selfies, are sooner or later are experiencing an incredible pain and going through serious medical condition.

selfie netmarkers



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