Amazing!! Man gives birth to healthy baby boy and compelled the society to revamp its laws

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Till yet there was a misconception in the society that only women have power to give birth. This was proved wrong by a transgender man by giving birth to a healthy baby boy Leo. By doing this he has broken several barriers existing in the transgender community.
Originally born as a girl, Trystan Resse from Portland and his gay husband Biff Chaplow partner were overjoyed by the birth of their first biological child. The couple has two adopted children.

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When interviewed Resse told, “I would say it’s unique. I understand that people are not used to two men having a biological child”.
“The moment he was born was just like a pure moment of bliss, like the happiest moment of my life,” Chaplow said. “Just to see the very beginning of Leo, of his life, was just amazing,” added Reese.

Resse and Chaplow had suffered from a heartbreaking miscarriage last year which forced them to wonder if they have lost the chance of having biological children but luckily they were able to become biological parents.

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To conceive, Resse retained the body parts he was born with and stopped taking the male hormones which he was consuming for decades.
After 9 months to their astonishment 9-pound Leo was born healthy without any kind of complication. “There were no complications or medical issues that came up at all. A long, early labour, lasting about 24 hours, and then about eight hours of ‘active labour’ and then an hour of pushing,” according to the reply given to Global News.


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