Mamas sharing wacky comments they came across while breastfeeding

Mom of three and Tennessee based lifestyle photographer Nicki Kaylor has taken the initiative to normalize breastfeeding. This photographer has been the victim of stares and rude comments while breastfeeding in the public. So to avoid, this mother used to feed her child in car.
In last month, Nicki organized an event called “Latched with Love” on her Facebook Profile and asked local mothers to come together for a breastfeeding session.


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Nine mothers showed up to her for the session. There she asked each participant to share impolite comments they received while breastfeeding their little ones. Here are they.

“Can you go to the Bathroom”

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“Isn’t he too BIG?!”

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“You should cover up.”

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“You should stop. She has teeth..”

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“Are you serious?!”

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“Its easier to give him a bottle”

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“How long are you going to do that?”

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“You should use a blanket”

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“You’re STILL nursing!?”

9. breastfeeding netmarkers


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