Top 20 Garden decor ideas to beautify landscape by Stonemart

Rock gardens lend a natural beauty to the yard. When decorating the yard, natural and organic materials should be the first choice. A plain backyard can undergo a refreshing change when rocks (sculpted or otherwise) are used to decorate the space. Given below in this article are 20 garden décor ideas using rocks and other stone products available at Stone Mart.

Rock garden

Source: Stone Mart India

Tip #1: Natural slabs of rocks can be used to form a staircase for undulating yards. One can also use a combination of unusual shapes and sizes to give it a different look.

Pavings for garden by Stonemart

Tip #2: It is a good idea to use rock pavers of different colours and shapes to create walkways. If there are interceptions of green, that would render it more beautiful.

stone waterfall by Stonemart

Tip #3: Different shapes and varied sizes of rocks can be used to create a rock waterfall for a dreamy effect on the yard.

Rock wall with fountain by Stonemart

Tip #4: A rock wall can be beautiful addition to any yard. Lining this wall with perennial flowering plants enhances the beauty.

stone pathway near waterfall by Stonemart

Tip #5: Rock walkways and patios add a timeless appeal to yards. A rock river by the side of the walkway is likely toexponentiate the appeal multiple times.

stone planters for bonsai by Stonemart

Tip #6: Stone planters can become colourful planting partners. Plants that produce brightly coloured blooms planted in colourful planters can transform the landscape completely.

stone buddha by Stonemart

Tip #7: Placing a stone Buddha statue in the diagonal corner of the lawn bounded by colourful plants and blooms helps to show off the sculptural form in all its grandeur.

stone gazebo by Stonemart

Tip #8: Building a stone gazebo at the farthest end of the yard helps to transform its landscape as well as add a useful structure to it. It also offers a shady place from where you can admire the beauty of your garden during the summer.

stone monoliths by Stonemart

Tip #9: Stone monoliths placed in the garden help to inspire awe. The standing stones can be placed by the lawn or the water pool so that it stands out in contrast. They can add vertical quality and structure to a bed of flowering plants. Their colours can be so chosen to contrast that of the flowers and the foliage.

stone frogs by stonemart

Tip #10: Stone animals can make your garden appear whimsical. It will particularly delight children of the house. Painting the features of the animals on the rocks using acrylic paints enhances the beauty of the rock animals. Start with the main body color and go on to paint the dots and stripes. Sculpting clay can also be used to make markings on the animal bodies. The animals should be placed in a spot in the garden where they have the greatest impact.

stone fountain by stonemart

Tip #11: Stone fountains add a special beauty to your garden. The stone fountains can be small, medium, or big in size. It is mentally soothing to hear the trickle of the water from the fountain. You cab even opt for beautiful multi-tiered fountains.

stone birds for garden

Tip #12: It is exciting to place rock birds in your garden to excite the children of the house. Different rock pieces can even be glued together to form shapes of the birds. They can then be painted and beaks and wings can be attached to them. Place them where they will create the most excitement.

monoliths stonemart

Tip #13: You can also plant a beautiful rock garden inside your garden. It can optionally contain a water body that will enhance the effect. You can intersperse the rock garden with plants that suit the existent climate.

small monoliths

Tip #14: Small rocks of light and dark colors (pebble sized) placed in alternate strips or flowy designs create a two-tone effect and give a desert feel.

blue pebbles by stonemart

Tip #15: Small rocks (pebble sized) with a blue tone can be used to pave the yard and this is done to enhance the effect of the greens in the yard.

stairstepping by stonemart

Tip #16: There is nothing as beautiful as a walkway with rectangular stones.  The walkway can be lined with flowers for the best and most pleasant effect.

rock walls by stonemart

Tip #17: Rock walls with the right contrasts can be built to give the best effect for illuminated plants. This is most aesthetically appealing and is the right fixture for a manicured garden.

stone block by stonemart

Tip #18: If you want to entertain your gang of friends in tow, think of a fire pit made of rock. This can turn the nasty cold outdoors into times of fun and delight with friends. You can even host a barbeque party during the evenings in the fire pit. Rock is both functional as well as aesthetic for the purpose.

stone figures by Stonemart

Tip #19: If you have space, you can use rocks as retaining walls for mud terraces. You can even have some beautiful plants on them to take full advantage of the effect.

rockery slate by stonemart

Tip #20: Small rocks can be used as beautiful flower bed borders. You can layer them either double or triple for an enhanced effect.


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