World’s tallest dog breeds that you would love to own!

Many question arises while buying a dog for family. The question might be the matter of their size, looks, nature, or any other. You might be scared at once when you think of an enormous dogs. But the fact is that they are not actually frightening or scary as they look. Despite being massive in appearance, these large breed dogs are loving, loyal and well-tempered. These dogs are mostly being used for specific purposes such as for hunting, for protecting cattle, or for guarding state. These dogs are though expensive but still people show keen interest in buying them. If planning to own such dogs then have a look:

  1. Kuvasz

Kuvasz are also known as Hungarian Kuvasz and they are native of Hungary. Kuvasz’s are mainlu utilized for protection of cattle. They are quite intelligent dog with good sense of irony from the duration of its youth period to adult period. This pet is very forbearing and tolerant and expects freedom and libery while doing any task. Besides they are cunning too. If they are adult male dog then their height varies from 70 to 76 cm while their weight is expected between 45-52 kg. if they are female dog, their weight lies between 70-76 and weight is expected between 32 to 41 kg. 8 puppies can be delivered from the female dogs and the dog’s life span is 10-12 years.


  1. Anatolian Shepherd

Also known as guardian dogs, Anatolian Shepherds can keep an eye on their master’s stock without any instruction or guidance. They also safeguard the cattle from untamed animals especially cheetahs. They are very loyal and highly dedicated to their work. They are 81 cm in height and 65 kg in weight. They are sandy in color. They can give birth to 10 puppies and the life span of these dogs is of 15 years. They are worth $400-$600.



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