Top 10 Dangerous Hanging Bridges In The World!

Hanging bridges were constructed in the earlier days for the purpose of easy commuting but now days many of these lost their value because of evolution of technology. Anyhow, hanging bridges still exist in different parts of the world. Here are the list of top 10 most dangerous hanging bridges in the world.

  1. Aiguille Du Midi Bridge- Mont Blanc Massif, France

This bridge is located at a dangerously very high elevation of 12,605 feet in France and you can look into Italy, France and Switzerland from here.


  1. Trift Bridge-Gadmen, Switzerland

This bridge is constructed over the Trift glacier and this is 170 meter long. One can easily reach on foot.

Trift Bridge-netmarkers

  1. El Caminito Del Rey- Malaga, Spain

This bridge is only 100 meter above sea level, this bridge was constructed for workers with purpose of building pathway. Now it has become only a tourist attraction.


  1. Sochi Sky Bridge, Russia

This bridge is 439 meter long. This is the longest bridge in the world with 700 meter zip wire


  1. Peak Walk by Tissot- Bernese Oberland, Switzerland

This bridge connect two mountain peaks. This bridge is 107 meter long and build by Tissot.

Peak Walk-netmarkers

  1. Europe Bridge- Switzerland

This bridge is 494 meter long and constructed 85 meter above the Gradbengufer ravine.


  1. Taman Negara National Park Bridge- Titiwangsa Mountains, Malaysia

This is the longest bridge in Malaysia and 530 meters long. It stretches high above the trees’ top in Taman Negara.


  1. Tigbao Hanging Bridge- Bohol, Philippines

This bridge is in Philippines and the most dangerous hanging bridge in the world. It has bamboo flooring with steel railings.

philippines bohol tigbao hanging bridge loboc river visayas

  1. Capilano Suspension Bridge- Vancouver, Canada

It was built in 1889 and rebuilt in 1956 70 m high above the Capilano river in Canada.


  1. Hanging Bridge Of Ghasa, Nepal

This is the safe hanging bridge with side nets and used for delivering supplies to local people in the area.

Hanging Bridge Of Ghasa-netmarkers


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