Google Home Review: An Amazing Home Speaker That Gave A Run For Its Money To Amazon Echo’s Alexa

Today’s Scenario is such that we all have got used to our smart phones or digital assistants. Both Siri and Google Assistants have destroyed us rotten, allowing us to express in words the orders and questions and making our phone to execute them without even lifting a finger. Now it is obvious that the next step that could be taken logically is to find a way for them to be around the house, instead of keeping mobile phones all the time in our hand. Now, here comes the smart speakers. And the much foreseen speaker, “Google Home Smart Speaker” is now made available for purchase from today in India. Now when you have got a chance, you must try it and test it out in advance. Then we can figure out that does this new brand Google Home gives a tough competition to “Amazon Echo & Alexa” or not?



Setup and use

It’s a feeling of being like a piece of cake when we set up the Google Home Smart speaker. What you have to do is that just follow the simple steps. Plug it into a power source and download the Google Home app on your phone (iPhone or Android). The device is so convenient that it uses the saved password to access the Wi-Fi at your home even without letting you type in it. What you have to do is that set up the voice recognition of the other members in your family, because at the beginning you only register one voice. Even that also is an easy task, even if you have never come across a smart speaker in your life.

The time taking process might be the device quirk’s, that is getting yourself familiar with it, that are speaking loudly and clearly and keeping milliseconds between two different commands. Ok, that’s fine till now, and apart from that you are golden indeed. Yes, because it is obvious that the deep integration of Google’s Home into Google Service and Google Assistant feels a more comfortable extension of your Android phone or if your life only revolves around Google virtually, something that can’t be completed with Amazon Echo & Alexa.






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