Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking Beer!

We often hear people saying that drinking beer effects the health that is it is not good for one’s health. But unexpectedly, beer has innumerable health benefits. So, from now onwards, without any guilt, you can take delight in every sip of beer. According to a study, it is found that beer not only benefits the health, but also expands the lifespan of a person.

  1. Promotes Good Kidney Health

Hard and small lumps created by salt’s concretion and are found in the duct of kidney or gall bladder are referred to as kidney stones or gallstones. The cause of these stones are due to dehydration. Nevertheless, consuming little or medium amount of beer proves quite helpful to handle these. But, before consuming, remember to consult a doctor.

Promotes Good Kidney Health-netmarkers

  1. Helps Boost Brain Health

We are aware of the fact that as we get older, our brain functions slower. In this case, consuming medium or little amount of beer reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline.

Helps Boost Brain Health-netmarkers

  1. Promotes Good And Healthy Heart

Drinking beer regularly automatically reduces the risk of heart diseases by 30%. It helps to keep blood vessel free, healthy and clean because of its effects of anti-clotting. According to the researchers, it is said that the person who drinks one beer regularly has low level of fibrinogen, which is protein helpful in reducing blood clotting.

promotes good and healthy heart-netmarkers

  1. Helps Getting Stronger Bones

Consuming beer in medium or limited amount helps in good bone health promotion because of the presence of silicon content in higher amount. The estrogenic effect of drinking beer helps in attaining healthy bones, and presence of silicon helps to stimulate bone building cells.

Helps Getting Stronger Bones-netmarkers



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