Eight Uncompromising Facts About Cancer!
Cancer is significantly scary, particularly when you are unaware of its ways of prevention, especially the beginning of cancer. Cancer can be prevented through inclusion holistic and healthy lifestyle that facilitates all its development addressing the core factors. Regrettably, it is difficult to avoid this deadly disease due to pollution of our air, water and food.
Have a look at these eight cool stats to prevent cancer.
- Around the world, one out of ten death occurs due to cancer. Yet, the health and media authorities are preoccupied for preventing non-existence diseases or non-life threatening diseases like polio and measles. Reason might be that there is yet no pharmaceutical or vaccination for cancer. In fact, the higher incidences of cancer are found more in developed countries, where the healing power of air, sun, food, water and earth are pure.
- The risk of cancer is higher for the people aged 55 or more than that. Among all cancer diagnosed, approx. 77% are present in women and men lying in this age group.
- On another side, approx. 40 children or more every day are diagnosed with cancer, which if calculated in United States the range is more than 14,000 every year. Cancer with its conventional treatment will take the lives of approx. for children each day. Due to endorsing collateral damage and focusing of conventional treatment, rather than endorsing and approach and addressing the cause, the rates of survival are not improving.
- We all are aware of the fact that tobacco causes cancer, but another fact is that more than 85% lungs cancer are caused due to smoking, and it’s not the actual tobacco causing cancer. Avoiding and quitting second hand smokes could be one of the easiest source of action for avoidance of diagnosis, which leads in killing women and men due to cancer in United States.
- Those who get less than six hours sleep every day is said to have sleep deprivation. And because of sleep deprivation, the risk of causing colon cancer has increased. According to the recent studies, it has been concluded that for the people working night shifts, or having improper sleep are likely to have higher risk of cancer. One of the most healing activity is a good and proper sleep, so covet it properly.
- The most often that is diagnosed is the Skin cancer, and with coming year its number is also increasing. This has given the myth that cancer is caused by sun, which is not completely true. Appropriate expose of sun increases your level of vitamin D, which is responsible for the prevention of all cancers by 77%. But it is also essential to get a daily dose of sun, at least for 15 to 30 minutes, rather than using a non-carcinogenic sunscreen or getting out of it to avoid burning. And if you do burn in sunlight, then it might cause DNA damage or most probably cancer, so it is very important to have a balance approach.
- It is not necessary that every cancer have a genetic link. In fact, only a few percent of cancer is found to have genetic link. But, social heredity is however a big factor, and this unconscious way of doing things that do not aid our health cannot be avoided.
It is agreeable decision by researchers that 50% of all cancers can be prevented. In the year 2015, an estimated deaths of 1.6 million will be ascribed to cancer, and if we are being able to prevent at least half of those deaths through more holistic and healthy lifestyle is very encouraging.