Grilled Pesto Chicken Kebabs Recipe For All Chicken Lovers

Grilled Pesto Chicken Kababs Recipe For All Chicken Lovers - NetMarkers

Preparation Time – 20 min | Cooking time – 10 min | Ready In – 4 h 30 min

Sometimes pesto can be overpowering but in this recipe it is not. Here you will get a superb flavor of basil and garlic and the natural flavor of chicken and vegetables.

Ingredients to marinade:

· ¼ vegetable oil

· 2 tablespoons cooking sherry

· 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

· 2 tablespoons prepared pesto

· ½ teaspoon salt

· ¼ teaspoon pepper

Ingredients for Kebab:

· 1 ½ pounds boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch chunks

· 1 small chunk of zucchini

· 1 medium red onion cut into small chunks

· 12 grape tomatoes

· 6 metal skewers


· Take a glass bowl and whisk oil, pesto, sherry, lemon juice, pepper and salt together. Add chicken pieces and stir them well. Covet it and refrigerate for 4 hours to overnight.

· Preheat an outdoor grill for medium to high heat

· Lightly oil the grate

· Thread marinated chicken, zucchini, mushrooms, red onion and tomatoes one by one onto skewers. Reserve the remaining marinade.

· Cook the kebabs by placing it on the preheated grill, turn them occasionally and brush with reserved marinade. Continue this for 10 to 15 minutes until the chicken is properly cooked and juices run clear.

Nutrition Facts:

Per serving: 230 calories; 6.4 g carbohydrates; 24.6 g protein; 327 mg sodium; 66 mg cholesterol


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