Get An Edge Over Others With These Top Psychological Tricks

Get An Edge Over Others With These Top Psychological Tricks - Header

Do you want to stay ahead of others? Have you ever been able to recognize some psychological gestures but do not know what exactly that means? Once you learn the tricks to understand these psychological gestures, you can get an edge over others.

Without much ado, let’s begin with the important psychological tricks:

How to make an eye contact with a person, you find tough to do so –

Get An Edge Over Others With These Top Psychological Tricks - Eye Contact

To have a formal conversation, it is important to have an eye contact with the person you are talking to. There are some who do it naturally, but others struggle to do so. There is an easy trick to do so without stressing. While you are talking to another person, examine the person’s eye color and get involved in that in such a way that it becomes a natural act. People who face this problem are usually shy and have low self-confidence.

The direction of the speaker’s body shows if they are interested in speaking to you –

Get An Edge Over Others With These Top Psychological Tricks - BodyLanguage

Look at the body alignment when you are talking to somebody. If the person’s torso is towards you but not the feet, this shows that the person is not very interested in talking to you. Similarly, if two people are talking and a third person approaches, he finds only the upper part of their body turned towards him, this shows they are keen in talking to him. When a person is interested in talking to you, he will pay full attention by completely turning towards you.

Trick for success –

Get An Edge Over Others With These Top Psychological Tricks - Success

If there is a large queue in the interview, it would be good if you are either the first one or last one for interview. The reason being the interviewers remember either the first or the last person.

Win an argument with this trick –

Get An Edge Over Others With These Top Psychological Tricks - Argument

While having an argument with someone if you are at the stage where either you want to diffuse the tension or make the person listen to your views, stand right next to them and not opposite to them, it would appear as a threat to them.

Tame angry customers with this trick –

Get An Edge Over Others With These Top Psychological Tricks - Mirror

Many a times while handling customers you get angry and irate customers who are difficult to handle. The psychological trick that you can use for this is hang a mirror behind your desk. Customers are bound to look at it and can see their angry faces, this will make them straighten their expressions.

How to find out in a group who is closest to you –

Get An Edge Over Others With These Top Psychological Tricks - Laughing

When there are people in a group laughing, they tend to look at the person they are closest to.

Confront an angry person with silence –

Get An Edge Over Others With These Top Psychological Tricks - Angry

Retaliating on an angry person is not the right way to confront. Remaining silent is best way to make them feel ashamed about their behavior.

Keeping these psychological tricks in mind, you can succeed in your future undertakings.


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