10 Signs Showing Lack Of Vitamin C In Your Body

It is important to have Vitamin C in your body to stay healthy. Vitamin C doesn’t remain in body for long, hence it is important to take it daily. Deficiency of Vitamin C will make you feel low and weak. You just need to include it in enough amount in your diet.
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The following symptoms shows deficiency of Vitamin C –

Joint Pain:

10 Signs Showing Lack Of Vitamin C In Your Body - Joint Pain - NetMarkers

Joint pain is an early sign of deficiency of Vitamin C. It is said to be a powerful antioxidant. Therefore, inflammation can be caused because of its deficiency which may lead to joint pain. It would be beneficial for your health to take Vitamin C rich food daily.

Swollen and Bleeding Gum:

10 Signs Showing Lack Of Vitamin C In Your Body - Swollen And Bleeding Gum - MetMarkers

You need Vitamin C to keep your gums healthy. If you have swollen and bleeding gum even after maintaining dental health, increase intake of Vitamin C. As recommended by experts an adult woman should have 75mg and adult men should have 90 mg Vitamin C a day.

Bruises and Wounds:

10 Signs Showing Lack Of Vitamin C In Your Body - Bruises And Wounds - NetMarkers

If your skin gets bruised easily and it takes longer than usual to heal, you need more Vitamin C. Eating citrus fruits and vegetables can give your body Vitamin C.

Hair Fall:

10 Signs Showing Lack Of Vitamin C In Your Body - Hair Fall - NetMarkers

Another symptom of Vitamin C deficiency is hair fall. Broccoli, kiwi, etc. are rich in Vitamin C, hence you should include it in your diet.

You Are Always Sleepy:

10 Signs Showing Lack Of Vitamin C In Your Body - You Are Always Sleepy - NetMarkers

If you always feel tired and sleepy even after a good night’s sleep, it could be because of Vitamin C deficiency.

Weak Immunity:

10 Signs Showing Lack Of Vitamin C In Your Body - Weak Immunity - NetMarkers

If your immunity has become weak and you are falling sick on a regular basis, it could be because of Vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C produces white blood cells which fights from diseases. You should increase Vitamin C intake to improve your body immunity.

Weight Gain:

10 Signs Showing Lack Of Vitamin C In Your Body - Weight Gain - NetMarkers

Vitamin C deficiency can cause weight gain. If you gain weight without any reason, increase Vitamin C intake. It burns fat and boosts metabolism.

Dry Skin:

10 Signs Showing Lack Of Vitamin C In Your Body - Dry Skin - NetMarkers

Vitamin C produces collagen that makes the skin glow. Deficiency of Vitamin C will make the skin dull and dry. Therefore, the Vitamin C serums are so expensive. It would be best to eat Vitamin C rich food instead of depending on the serums.

Weak Nails:

10 Signs Showing Lack Of Vitamin C In Your Body - Weak Nails - NetMarkers

Vitamin C gives iron. Lack of iron causes anemia which causes nails to become brittle.

Frequent Nosebleeds:

10 Signs Showing Lack Of Vitamin C In Your Body - Frequent Nosebleeds - NetMarkers

You could experience frequent nosebleeds if your body is deficit of Vitamin C. It keeps blood vessels in the nose strong and prevents it from bleeding.

Fruits that provide Vitamin C are – mango, pineapple, kiwi, raspberries, watermelon, blueberries, cranberries and strawberries.

Vegetables that provide Vitamin C are – sprouts, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, turnip and other green leafy vegetables.


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